Iain Anderson, Elisabeth Anthony, Chloe Appleby, Alice Berndt, Jan Brentjens, Catherine Cole, Julianne Cottone, Lauren do, Marc Ferlet, Anna French, James Hoyt, Jonas Jacobson, Athena Kalamaras, Gabriel Levy, Alivia McAtee, Leah Mell, Andrew Nolte, Addison Sharp, Charlotte Smith, Jack Swinson, Hampton Tucker, Cathy Xu
Faculty Sponsor: Alan Michael Parker
Studying otherness, and we do not know about others, remain at the center of World Literatures. In this course, we have engaged texts by German, Indian, Israeli, Japanese, Kenyan, Palestinian, Polish, Puerto Rican, and South African writers. The one-minute selfie assignment asks students to write a script in which they consider a concept in the course that mattered to them, and film the results (speaking themselves, or with an actor). We then will place these videos in conversation with one another via simultaneous viewing on multiple monitors.