Create Your Own Customized Workout Plan:
A Community-Based Intervention to Increase Physical Activity in Young Adults
Since the 1980s, the rates of people who are overweight or obese have been growing exponentially, especially among the adolescent and young adult populations. This has become a problem of concern, because being overweight or obese early in life may significantly increase the risk of becoming obese as an adult. Additionally, our nation’s young adults are beginning to display diseases connected to obesity that have historically been limited to adults, including cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes. This community-based intervention aims to create a workout plan for college students and young adults who are struggling with reducing or maintaining their weight. We created a website that provides an easily accessible workout plan for individuals who enjoy going to the gym or those who prefer to work out at home. Furthermore, we designed workouts that will help individuals strengthen their lower body, core, and upper body. We hope that our project will ultimately help young adults become more active and reduce the risk for health problems connected to obesity within our communities.