Kieran Casey
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mindy Adnot
This poster is about Florida School Districts’ Educational Equity by Race. I am interested in the topic because Florida has one of the lowest absolute upward mobility. I am also interested in the racial differences in terms of opportunity. In some of my ggplots, blacks trend almost identically opposite to whites. Ideally, all races should trend in the same direction and magnitude. I wanted to explore the difference in races further, and I hypothesize that if races are equalized at the educational level, then all races will eventually have the same level of opportunity for future generations. Improving test scores correlate with absolute upward mobility. Test Scores and income have a positive correlation. Improving test scores also reduces poverty. Even if test scores are improved, whites still have more opportunity at the aggregate level. Once races are equal at the educational level, the racial equity should balance out.