Griffin Azrak, Michael Matthews, Attila Dos Santos
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Durwin Striplin
This project aims to find new, less costly, and more consistent process and ultimately a more aesthetically pleasing way to build efficient dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells. The idea is to build cells that will give us a consistent substrate in which to test how much current can be produced by our devices. In laying down a reproducible titanium oxide surface on a conductive glass plate, we turned to reliable screen printing methods. We worked to gain proficiency at screen-printing and to develop a titanium oxide paint of the correct chemical form to build nanostructures that will adhere to the glass surface, and that will be of correct consistency to be easily manipulated in the screen-printing process. The added benefit is that screen-printing will allow us to control the appearance of the cell and ultimately make it more appealing for the general public.