Nicholas Kennedy, Cole Cuthbertson
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mitch Anstey
Small molecule activation is an important area of organometallic catalysis, as it enables processes including Synthetic Carbon fixation and improved reactivity of saturated hydrocarbons. These processes typically require catalysts with a wide range of available oxidation states, which often means transition metals complexes are the only viable option. However, such complexes are often expensive and have limited availability. We herein propose a ditopic Boron complex as a cost-effective alternative to transition metals. Our “BOB” complex contains two Lewis-Acidic Boron sites suitable for coordination of small molecules, each of which is conjugated with a redox-active ligand that provides the necessary electron equivalents for these processes. Moreover, the two Boron sites can engage in cooperative catalysis that prevents either site from having to undergo a multi-electron transfer. These factors mean that our ditopic Boron sites are capable of multiple single-electron transfers to facilitate bond formation and cleavage. Of particular note is the complex’s behavior with Super Hydride, with preliminary evidence suggesting a 2-center-3-electron bridging behavior between the two Boron sites.
A Ditopic Boron Complex for Cooperative Catalysis and Small Molecule Activation
Small molecule activation is an important area of organometallic catalysis, as it enables processes including Synthetic Carbon fixation and improved reactivity of saturated hydrocarbons. These processes typically require catalysts with a wide range of available oxidation states, which often means transition metals complexes are the only viable option. However, such complexes are often expensive and have limited availability. We herein propose a ditopic Boron complex as a cost-effective alternative to transition metals. Our “BOB” complex contains two Lewis-Acidic Boron sites suitable for coordination of small molecules, each of which is conjugated with a redox-active ligand that provides the necessary electron equivalents for these processes. Moreover, the two Boron sites can engage in cooperative catalysis that prevents either site from having to undergo a multi-electron transfer. These factors mean that our ditopic Boron sites are capable of multiple single-electron transfers to facilitate bond formation and cleavage. Of particular note is the complex’s behavior with Super Hydride, with preliminary evidence suggesting a 2-center-3-electron bridging behavior between the two Boron sites.